Information portal for a national hotel chain

Understanding electricity, water and gas usage.
Yurika provided a solution for a national hotel chain that specified how much gas and water was being used at each hotel so they could meet their compliance reporting obligations.
Our customer
As the owner of a national chain of hotels with nearly 150 sites across Australia, Yurika’s client needed to gain a greater understanding of their electricity, water and gas usage and use the data to create a number of reports, for both internal use as well as compliance reporting such as the National Australian Built Environmental Ratings Scheme (NABERS).
Their objective
The client was seeking to obtain regular data from a range of meter types across different portfolios, in varying site locations, including meters located in car parks, basements and common access areas.
Also, the information had to be tailored to meet the needs of individual site managers and management teams. Finally, this was a significant project that could potentially disrupt the daily operations of the hotels if not carefully managed.
The solution
Yurika’s metering team provided a solution that met, and indeed surpassed, all the needs specified by the client for electricity metering, and logging for water and gas. The data loggers utilised are mains-powered and battery powered devices which enable a solution to be applied at each site. Several sites had water meters located along the site boundary, which meant access to the device data could have been costly and time-consuming.
As part of the solution, the data from all the metering points is remotely monitored each day by metering team where it is validated, warehoused and distributed as required via online service portal, InfoDynamics. This web-based information portal allows users to securely log onto the portal and access a range of information reports and data outputs. In addition, InfoDynamics meets the client’s requirement for access by a range of site and regional managers as well as Australian & International head office access for overall reporting.
The outcome
Following implementation, the client has access to detailed electricity, water and gas consumption data across a significant number of their hotel portfolios, which allows them to meet compliance reporting requirements as well as manage utility usage and efficiency.