Susan River solar farm substation

Design, construct and transfer a 66kV/33 kV 74 MVA solar farm substation in nine months.
Commercial operations were reached in September 2019 and is connected to the 66kV Ergon network at the onsite Susan River substation. The Susan River Solar Farm is expected to generate over 160GWh of electricity per annum.
Our customer
Biosar is an international renewable energy market company, specialising in constructing photovoltaic plants (solar farms) and connecting them to the grid.
Their objective
Biosar were looking to team with a delivery partner to support their expansion of renewable energy in Australia and asked Yurika to harness our experience in HV connection and construction to accelerate the delivery of the Susan River Solar Farm substation.

The solution
Our key deliverable was to design, construct and transfer (DCT) a solar farm substation.
- 74 MW delivered capacity
- Design and construction of 66/33kV substation that could be transferred to the DNSP, Ergon Energy
- Installation of dead tank, 2000A circuit breaker 66kV
- 66kV air break switch
- Installation of 66/33kV 80MVA transformer
- Installation of 33kV auxiliary and voltage transformers
- Testing and commissioning 33kV control/ equipment building, including inverter stations.
The outcome
Getting Susan River solar farm up and running to meet an accelerated delivery timeframe was a real community effort with local quarries, concrete suppliers, fuel suppliers and local labour significantly contributing to the successful completion of this project.
- Our design and construction teams incorporated utility-compliant specifications, equipment, and Australian manufactured transformers
- Delivered within the agreed timeframe and budget
- Successfully maintaining a 0% the Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR)
- Partnered with Biosar to deliver further renewable projects.