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installed capacity
MWh renewable energy p.a
overhead lines strung

Wellington North Solar Farm will produce clean energy to power more than 152,500 households (equivalent) through more than 755,000 photovoltaic modules distributed over 847 hectares — set to be the largest solar farm in the region.

One of the large PV plants that GRS is building for Lightsource bp in Australia, GRS and Lightsource bp have partnered with Yurika to deliver the lines and substation to support the construction and commissioning of this large scale solar farm.

Our customer

GRS is part of Gransolar, a vertically integrated group that covers all the needs of large-scale photovoltaic projects, from engineering to energy storage.

Aerial view of Wellington North solar farm

The solution

GRS and Lightsource bp engaged Yurika to deliver:

  • 7.2km 330kV OHL line route A including 4 crossings
  • 330/33kV Substation consisting of 2 x 225MVA 3 winding transformers free issued by GRS
  • 2 switchrooms with Siemens 8DA10 consisting of 2 boards in each with 1 x incomer and 5 x feeders
  • 1 control room

Our team are experts in solar solar grid connections.