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EV charging
total length
sites state wide

Build and operate the world’s longest electric super highway
in a single state.

The Queensland Government’s Department of Transport and Main Roads commissioned Yurika to design, build and maintain an electric super highway with a series of 50+ fast-charging electric vehicle (EV) stations across the State.

Our customer

Transport and Main Roads (TMR) plans, manages and oversees the delivery of a safe, efficient and integrated transport system that supports sustainable economic, social and environmental outcomes in Queensland. The Royal Automobile Club of Queensland Limited (RACQ) is a mutual organisation and Queensland’s largest Club, providing services including roadside assistance, insurance, banking and travel to its approximately 1.75 million members.

IKEA Springwood carpark
Tritium fast charger

Their objective

To support the uptake of EVs, TMR and RAQC came together to provide more options for Queenslanders with EVs throughout the state. Working alongside local Councils, suitable site requirements for EV charging units included convenient, safe locations close to major highways where there are existing amenities, such as cafes, restaurants and shops.

The solution

Our role was to design, build and operate 55 EV charging sites with two fast chargers at each location including choosing appropriate locations, liaising with local Councils and other stakeholders, and connecting the sites to the local electricity network.

Following the successful rollout of Stage 1, we also procured a driver care management system – an app to support drivers to charge their EVs at any of the 55 locations.

The charging stations use green energy either through direct green energy credits or offsets, making them a carbon-neutral and pollutant-free transport option.

Fast charging at QESH

The outcome

Once complete, Queenslanders and tourists will be able to confidently travel in their electric vehicle and use any of the fast charging sites along the way.

Stage 1 — completed 2017
Stage 2 — completed 2021
Stage 3 — underway

Would you like to know more about the QESH? Our team is 
here to help.